Stretch level3

Chest Stretch 2

Let both elbows aside and bend your arm at a right-angle . Swing your arms backward while keep your elbow aside as much as you can. Sit or stand straight and look at the distance.

Arm-Turn and Knee Kick

Open your legs a little while your both hands are stretched toward left side of your body. Swing both arms while bending right knee toward left.
Turn your upper body to right and right leg to left.
Do the same for the other side.

Sitting-and-Leaning Propeller

Open your legs and sit down. Move your right hand toward left foot toe and pull left hand backward. Move your left hand to right foot toe
and stretch left hand backward while turning upper body. It is similar to the movement such as the propeller turn of the airplane.

Sitting, Bending & Stretching

Stretch both legs, raise both arms up, and sit down. Lean your arms toward foot toe along with your upper body.

One Leg to the Side

Stand up with the center of weight in left leg. Stretch both arms downward. Spread out both arms and right foot straight.
Do the same for the opposite side.