Recruit guideline

Qualifications a high school graduate and over, and having business experience more than 1 year. Person who have...
  • zeal that raises young company for myself.
  • Thinking of “No pleasure No Work!”.
Place of business
  • Soto-Kanda, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, Japan (Near “Kanda Myojin Shrine”.)


    • 6 minutes walk from JR Akihabara station.
    • 6 minutes walk from JR Ochanomizu station.
    • 4 minutes walk from Suehirocho station on the Tokyo Metro Ginza Line.
  • or Client's office (Tokyo, Kanagawa, Saitama, Chiba)
Work Hours 10,00am - 19,00pm (Flex-time system also being used in some cases)
Employment a full-fledged employee or a contract worker.
Salary 3,200,000 yen - 8,000,000 yen (annual salary)
  • * an annual salary of the first year is decided by an annual income, abilities and careers of the preceding year.
  • * There is a revision of an annual salary each year, Judging from results, attitudes, abilities and other addition of points.
  • * A salary of during the trial period (2 months) is decided from a monthly salary of an annual salary fixed.

[example of annual income]

a full-fledged: 5,000,000 yen/27 years old/experience six years/ a monthly salary 300,000 yen + bonus.
contract worker: 6,000,000 yen/36 years old/experience 12 years/ a monthly salary 500,000 yen.
  • Bonuses: Twice yearly.
  • Social security insurance: various kinds of insurance.
  • Others: various kinds of allowance, provide all transportation expenses, a company trip (once a year), supporting the acquisition of certification, club activities (band, darts, snowboard, and so on.)
Holidays and vacation days 2 days off per week, a national holiday, Summer vacation, Year-end/New Year days off, Yearly paid vacation.
* Non-work days: 120 days year

company overview

Main line of business

Amusement development

Planning and development of iPhone / iPad / Android / the mobile equipment / PC / Consumer products and pachinko, slot machine. Development of games using C / C++, JAVA, Flash (Action Script).

Business system development

Design and development of Web products, Built-in products.
  • * Web products: Construction of the Website, using ASP.NET, PHP, Perl, JAVA, HTML, XML, and so on.
  • * Built-in products: Construction of pachinko, slot machine and the firmware of IC card using C/C++ and assembly.
  • Also we develop applications of the digital camera.


An analysis, Contractor Project Initiation Complete & Approved, Requirements Completed & Approved about systems.
Location Dainichi Kanda Bldg. 6F, 2-13-7 Soto-Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Established May, 2006
Representative director CEO / Goro Yamasaki
Headcount 29 (The average age: 33)
Capital stock 3,000,000 yen
  • Net sales: 200 million yen (Results of the 6th period)
  • Sales structure: The contracting business of Software (100%)

How To Apply

How To Apply
  • E-mail (
  • TEL (+81(0)3-3257-8608)
  • Mail a C.V. (with photo) and works (if you have some) to our company.
    *Please feel free to consult with us about a schedule of an interview.
Process of a Selection The primary selection (Applicant screening)

The final interview
At the time of interview, our CEO gives you detailed explanation about our corporate strategy and tasks.