

Type of business Client Outline OS Language Database
Type of business Client Outline OS Language Database
Service Electric appliance manufacturer Firmware development support WindowsXp Linux C/C++ -
manufacturer Pachinko base inspection system development WindowsXP VB.NET -
Food/Hotel Service Food service Automatic homepage making system development
The special Internet browser system development
Windows Linux VC ActivePerl html -
Hotel Hotel reservation and member registration Web system development WindowsXP PHP PostgreSQL
Food service Store system construction Windows ASP.NET Oracle
Food service Planning and Developing Work-Attendance Systems Windows ASP.NET Oracle
Transportation industry Railway service Noise and vibration level watch device control soft development Windows95 Windows98 WindowsNT VB6 Access
Wholesale and retail trade Food service Store system development WindowsXP - -
manufacturer Sales management system development DOS C -
manufacturer Customer management system development DOS C -
manufacturer Inventory control system development DOS C -
Circulation service Development of carrying POS terminal for store WindowsCE WindowsNT Embedded VisualTools -
Store Online shop construction WindowsXP HTML JavaScript Perl -
Circulation service Convenience store system release management system construction Windows2000 perl -
Food service Personnel salary system development WindowsXP Windows2000 WindowsNT ASP.NET VB2005 VB6 VBScript Transact-SQL Oracle
Publication manufacturer Inventory control system development Windows2000 UNIX VB6 PL/SQL VC Oracle8
Information manufacturer Commodity retrieval/registration WEB system development Windows2000 WindowsXP ASP.NET SQLserver
Finance and insurance Communication career Regional bank cooperation terminal development WindowsXP WindowsNT3.51 C VB6 VBA -
Financial institution For change in name of an era VOS COBOL -
Financial institution Data collection and delivery Makoto and conversion system development WindowsNT VC VBScript -
Construction industry Construction materials manufacturer Materials management system development MS-DOS MS-C -
Official duties Communication mechanism Satellite telephone system repair UNIX C -
Municipality Gateway server soft development Windows2003 server MiracleLinux VB.NET -
Ministry Development of portable message satellite communication terminal WindowsCE WindowsNT Windows2000 VB6 CEToolKit VBScript SQLserver
Telecommunication industry Internet Service Provider Authentication system development HP-UNIX C -
Information manufacturer Cellular phone development Symbian C -
Broadcasting station Ground-based digital broadcasting telecast data acquisition system development WindowsXP C -
Information manufacturer GW system development WindowsXP Linux C -
Information manufacturer SO control server development WindowsXP Unix C -
Communication career Career portal maintenance site development WindowsMe Unix C HTML -
Financial institution Gateway system development WindowsNT C++ -
Software manufacturer Enterprise Web page construction Windows2000 UNIX Flash MX -
School Communication study system development Windows Mac Java JavaScript VB -
Municipality Dam monitoring system development Windows98 Java JavaScript VB -
Communication career Pocket beeper system operation support ACOS-4 Windows98 JCL VBA -
Communication career Wireless base station business, experimental development for W-CDMA experimental apparatus Windows98 VB6 VC6 -
Communication career Traffic server data extraction/analysis tool development Windows98 VBA VB6 -
Information manufacturer Reward management system development WindowsNT VB5 SQL Access
Information manufacturer Next generation HLR server development WindowsXP CGLinux C SQL MySQL
Electric appliance manufacturer Next generation network (NGN) development WindowsXP Lnux C++ VBA MySQL
Information manufacturer Retail management system development UNIX PRO*C Oracle
Information manufacturer EDI arrangements system development Windows95 VB5 Oracle7
Contents Provider Publishing ASP.NET Websites Windows/Linux PHP/Smarty MySQL
Manufacturing Electric appliance manufacturer Document filesystem development support DOS C -
Software manufacturer Robot arm control soft development μITRON C -
Electric appliance manufacturer Portable pulse meter development μITRON Windows95 C -
Electric appliance manufacturer IEEE driver development Custom C -
Electric appliance manufacturer USB camera driver development Custom C -
Electric appliance manufacturer Shutter driver inspection tool development WindowsXP C#/C -
Electric appliance manufacturer Semiconductor aligner soft development HP-UX C Motif -
Electric appliance manufacturer Car navigation system development Windows Unix C/C++ -
Electric appliance manufacturer Car engine control system development Windows Unix C/C++ -
Electric appliance manufacturer Digital video camera development μITRON C/C++ Java -
manufacturer JAVA VM development for building in Windows2000 Symbian C/C++ Java -
Information manufacturer Part procurement management system development ACOS COBOL -
Steel manufacturer X-ray analysis device control soft customizing MS-DOS MODULA-2 -
Electric appliance manufacturer Silicon inspection machine operation system customizing Windows98 VB -
Casting manufacturer X-ray analysis management system customizing Windows95 VB5 -
Electric appliance manufacturer Heat analyzer control and data management soft customizing WindowsNT Windows2000 VB6 VC6 -
Electric appliance manufacturer RAW image development engine development Windows VC++ -
Electric appliance manufacturer DSP software development Custom Assembler -
Electric appliance manufacturer In-vehicle CD changer development Custom Assembler -
Electric appliance manufacturer Silver bromide Stilcamerashatta control soft development Custom Assembler -
Electricity, gas, heat supply, and water service industry Electric Power Company Fluorescent X-ray analyzer control soft development OS/2 Windows3.2 MS-C -
Power Company Business operation system development Windows2000 VB6 Oracle