

Gigander X をブログなどで紹介してくださるみなさまへ。



Gigander X (ギガンダーX)




操縦方法もルールもいたって簡単。ただし、ギガンダーX独特の操縦方法を体得するまで、最初は思い通りにならないかもしれません。でも慣れて来ればこっちのもの。うまく出来たときの快感はやみつき! 特にXアタックが決まったときの気持ちよさをぜひ味わってください。また、遊んでいるうちに隠れた操縦方法を見つけることができるかも。そして世界ランキングのどこまで行けるか、チャレンジしてみてください。



Control a huge robot, Gigander-X, and knock down enemy robots in a battle for humanity!

Gigander-X moves dynamically for easy operation. Advance to the enemy and punch him in the face! But be sure to guard when the enemy fights back! The secret “X-Attack” provides a deadly force with which to pummel your foes!

Game Rules:
First you must reach the enemy, and then defeat him with punches and your secret X-Attack. But if your health or your 3-minute battery expires, Gigander-X will be defeated and humanity will suffer.

Several plays are sufficient for getting used to the controls in Gigander-X. This is when the battles really get exciting! You might just find a secret method for pulling off the X-Attack successfully. Challenge the best users in the world ranking!

download ゲーム画面のスクリーンショットをご用意しました。Zipファイルで、中に19枚の画像が入っています。
This is Zip file of screen shots including 19 images.





Gigander X Free (ギガンダーX 無料版)




操縦方法もルールもいたって簡単。ただし、ギガンダーX独特の操縦方法を体得するまで、最初は思い通りにならないかもしれません。でも慣れて来ればこっちのもの。うまく出来たときの快感はやみつき! また、遊んでいるうちに隠れた操縦方法を見つけることができるかも。そして世界ランキングのどこまで行けるか、チャレンジしてみてください。



Control a huge robot, Gigander-X, and knock down enemy robots in a battle for humanity!

Gigander-X moves dynamically for easy operation. Advance to the enemy and punch him in the face! But be sure to guard when the enemy fights back! The secret “X-Attack” provides a deadly force with which to pummel your foes!

Game Rules:
First you must reach the enemy, and then defeat him with punches and your secret X-Attack. But if your health or your 3-minute battery expires, Gigander-X will be defeated and humanity will suffer.

Several plays are sufficient for getting used to the controls in Gigander-X. This is when the battles really get exciting! You might just find a secret method for pulling off the X-Attack successfully. Challenge the best users in the world ranking!

The free version allows you to enjoy 2 episodes. For the full battle and the fabled X-Attack, please purchase the full version.

download ゲーム画面のスクリーンショットをご用意しました。Zipファイルで、中に15枚の画像が入っています。
This is Zip file of screen shots including 15 images.




