ギガンダーXがラジオドラマになったの!Kiss-FM KOBEで毎週土曜深夜1時40分の「土曜ドラマランド」にて放送されたのよ!
Giganda X is on radio drama !
Giganda X became radio drama ! It did broadcast on Kiss-FM KOBE every Saturday midnight at 1:40 by "Saturday drama Land" !
Click on the details, ↑ of radio ! Please enjoy the another story of Giganda X!
Welcome to the International Defense Army. Your duty is to control the huge robot, Gigander-X, and knock down the enemy robots. I would like you to prevent Earth’s crisis while enjoying a grand story! The simple operation mechanics will guide you through a dynamic experience.

どう?ギガンダーXの勇姿。かっこいいでしょ?きみなら簡単に操縦できるはずよ。 下のビデオを見れば操縦方法はすぐにわかるわ。
How about? Brave figure of Giganda X. is cool, isn't it? You should be able to steer it easily. You get the way of steer immediately if you look at the video below.
必殺技Xアタックで、敵ロボットを豪快にぶっ飛ばしてちょうだい! さあ、今すぐダウンロードよ! !
In deathblow X attack , smash enemy robot in excited way ! Come on , download it now ! !

It is also fun by topical iPad because it is powerful !