First of all, try to do five exercises every day!

Five exercises complete one set.

You can post the result on twitter and facebook.

Posting on public might keep your motivation.

1 Set

First of all, try to do five exercises every day. Any exercise in any category is fine. You cannot repeat the same exercise until completion of the set.
Five exercises complete one set.


You can post the result on twitter and facebook after each set once a day.
e.g. "I finished Stretch×3, balance×2 for today! 18 Sep"
Posting on public might keep your motivation.
In addition, posting gives you some points. Gathering 100 points means that you can unlock level 2 to 4 for free.


Because the data is recorded on the calendar on the day with at least one set,
you can look over your pace.
You can also earn 5 points in 7th day. Let the 5 points be your first goal.